For this special Anniversary Edition of this event, I immediately thought of my kindred gardening spirit, Gluten Free Kay in Indiana. She has a glorious garden as evidenced by her many photographs of vegetables, fruits, herbs and lovely flowers, and even the occasional box turtle visitor. Kay is an adventurous gardener and keeps trying new varieties in her garden plot, including cucuzzi squash, sorghum and paprika peppers.
Kay is also does heavy duty in the kitchen when the harvest starts pumping out food at a record pace and I am in awe of her canning, dehydrating and other food preservation skills. She even dried and ground her own paprika from homegrown peppers! And let's all stay tuned to her adventures in worm farming!
Despite multiple food allergies aside from the gluten-filled wheat family, Kay has a sunny and undaunted spirit and concocts delicious, beautiful and healthful recipes, including many on my bookmarked list. I would love to follow her lead in making my own paprika and to make her Tomato and Goat Cheese pie, but somehow I never seem to assemble all the ingredients there. I did however, get everything assembled to make a batch of her Hot Mamas and they were as delightful as I had hoped.
These are VERY cheesy and rich, so a little bit went a long way when I made them for our little family. We had them with salad for lunch and then a Hot Mama was reheated over beans and rice for another meal and another and another... These would be great to make for a party and next time I'd like to try them baked in muffin tins rather than a big 9x13 baking dish, so they could be sized into individual portions.

Be sure to visit Kay's blog sometime soon to see what exciting plans she has for the 2009 garden and to see what other treats she is whipping up in her kitchen. The added bonus are the occasional photos of the handsome and venerable Daddy Cat that prowls around her grounds. And the Book of Yum will be posting a roundup of Adopt a Gluten Free Blogger posts after the March 8th deadline, so be sure to drop by and wish Sea a Happy Anniversary!
Oh WOW, that looks delicious!!!!
Oh! Oh YUM!
Hi Rachel,
Thanks for adopting me! I'm so glad you like the Hot Mamas! They were a hit with my family at Christmas.
Recipes become more challenging for me as my list of allergies grows. Since Christmas I've given up cow's milk, rice, hot peppers and sugar. Good thing I'm used to finding detours in the kitchen.
I just planted about 200 tomato seeds in trays in the basement greenhouse. My Yukon Gold seed potatoes arrived in the mail. So I'm already looking forward to eating produce grown in my own dirt.
I'm savoring every chapter of Animal, Vegetable, Miracle!
I'm expanding the worm colony to include nightcrawlers. And I'm going to pick up the fence panels for my chicken yard today. So the livestock are keeping me hoppin'.
Thanks, again, for bringing me into the "family!"
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