I usually used my vine leaves to make dolmades, those seductive and silky stuffed grape vine leaf appetizers that are also perfect as a light meal paired with a salad. However, David's recipe lured me with her siren line "the great point about this dish is that the vine leaves make cultivated mushrooms taste like field mushrooms". Now that kind of kitchen alchemy was attention getting.
The dish was very easy to prepare. Basically, you line a casserole dish with fresh grape leaves blanched in salted water or brined grape leaves. David recommended rinsing the brined grape leaves and then adding salt later in the dish, so I thought I would not rinse my leaves and wash that tasty brine off and then skip the salting later on. This worked.
Then you wash and trim some mushrooms, place them stem side up in the casserole, slice up a couple cloves of garlic and add them and a drizzle of olive oil. Season with black pepper or any herb you might like to throw in. (I think rosemary would be great for next time). Another covering of vine leaves goes on top, then you cover the casserole and bake in a slow oven for 35 minutes to an hour. I baked my shrooms at 350 for 45 minutes.
The baked mushrooms did taste a little more complex, though I'm not sure they tasted like wild mushrooms. The vine leaves get nice and CRISPY on top and the garlic is meltingly soft from having been steamed inside the vine leaf packet.
Altogether an easy and satisfying dish.
I am sending this over to my blogger friend Girlichef's Hearth and Soul Hop, Vol. 33, a blog event that focuses on home cooked, home grown, real food. Food from my hearth that feeds the soul. That would describe this earthy, simple dish. Hop on over to Girlichef's blog to see the other inspiring posts.

How cool is that! Even though they didn't taste "totally" wild, I'd be willing to try it, it sounds good. I have a couple of packages of grape vine leaves left from this past summer, as well. Thanks for sharing this awesome post w/ the hearth and soul hop, Rachel- so glad you've joined us this week :)
those looksooooo gud
I've looked at this recipe so many times but I have never tried it!Now I am determined.
Steaming vegetables in pickled vine leaves.
That sounds like a concept worth remembering.
HI Rachel! I wanted to personally welcome you to the hearth and soul hop! I am now following your blog! I am from Long Island and spent plenty of time in your beautiful neck of the woods! What a lovely thing to do caring for old books and finding them great new homes! I love it! This recipe speaks to me, as a Greek girl I adore the flavor of grape leaves. So simple but the melding of the spices and flavors must be divine! Thanks so much for sharing this on the hearth and soul hop and I hope to see a lot more of you! All the best! alex@amoderatelife
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