Fast forward fifteen years and now my apple trees are abundant with fruit and leafy as can be. We've battled with tent caterpillars, weird lichen-like scabs on the branches and spring snowstorms that battered all the apple blossoms off before the bees could get busy, so this is so amazing to see that our six apple trees have actually borne fruit. And so much fruit it is! Perhaps the long, cool spring and buckets of summer rain are just the right conditions for fruit-bearing.
We don't spray our apple trees and sometimes (alright, usually) don't remember the annual pruning, so t

My weekend was filled with the task of making applesauce, apple crisp and a velvety brown apple chutney. Peeling and excising out cores and inhabitants from these knobby apples takes a long time, so I didn't put up huge vats of apple products, but I did manage to get four containers of applesauce, 1 9x13 pan of apple crisp and 7 pints of chutney using the contents of only one tree. With five more trees to harvest, I am thinking that my horse and donkey owning neighbor is going to get a bushel of equine treats in the next week.
Chutney is the perfect accompaniment for spicy food, rice dishes and we love a bit of chutney and cucumber raita on the side of our Bhajis. It is also luscious mixed with sour cream for a quick d

16 medium apples, peeled, cored and cut into rough chunks
2 lbs. raisins
1 large onion, peeled and rough chopped
2 large red peppers, rough chopped
4 cups brown sugar
3 Tbsp. yellow mustard seed
1 Tbsp. ground ginger
1 Tbsp. crystallized ginger
2 tsp. allspice
2 tsp. pickling salt
2 tsp. hot pepper flakes
5 cloves garlic, peeled and rough chopped
4 cups cider vinegar
Clean 7 pint canning jars and lids. Place in canning kettle and bring to boil. Cover and keep warm while making chutney.
Place all ingredients in a large, heavy-bottomed pot and mix well to dissolve brown sugar. Place on stove and bring to a boil. Lower heat and simmer, uncovered, 1 hour and 15 minutes, stirring often to keep from scorching. You want your chutney to be nice and thick and not runny, so you may have to extend your cooking time if your apples are particularly juicy, as I did.
Pack into hot pint jars, leaving 1/4 inch headspace. Seal and adjust rings. Place back in hot water bath and process 10 minutes once water has come to a boil again.
Makes 7 glorious pints of chutney.
I have also made this apple chutney with fresh cranberries, cut in half and that is a lovely holiday addition.
I am submitting this recipe to the Slow Food Edition of the Go Ahead, Honey, It's Gluten Free cooking event founded and hosted this month by Naomi at Straight Into Bed Cakefree and Dried. This thematic event showcases gluten-free goodies and I'm excited to see what slow-cooked treats everyone cooks up this round, which runs until September 30th. Be sure to check back with Naomi for a luxurious and delicious roundup.
Rachel, that chutney looks delicious - I'm wondering if it would work with honey as I can't have sugar? Hmmm.... will let you know if I manage to make some that sets up and doesn't burn - honey is really prone to burning.
Also, I'm so jealous of your foresight and beautiful apple trees. So what if they don't win any beauty contests? Real apples always win on taste.
x x x
What a delicious way to enjoy the apples you've grown! This definitely is a great way to transition into fall cooking...
Cool! I just finished my first canning project and I made pear butter. The chutney sounds fantastic!!
Hi Naomi:
Your question about using honey in canning is one I don't know much about and there seems to be conflicting information about substituting honey directly for sugar in canning recipes, so I can't answer your query. However, I did prowl through "Canning and Preserving Without Sugar", by Norma MacRae (1983), which I have on my personal cookbook shelf and there is a recipe for an Indian Chutney with Honey which is basically the same as my recipe, but which uses 5 tomatoes, 3 onions, 1 green pepper, 1 red pepper, 4 apples, 3/4 cup raisins, 1/3 cup honey, 1-1/3 c. cider vinegar, 1-1/2 tsp salt and 1 tsp. curry powder. Makes 4 pints. Process 20 minutes in boiling water bath. Hope this inspires you!
Joelen: Thanks and hope you find time to can some Chicago produce someday!
Hungry Engineer: Congrats on your first canning effort. I find it so satisfying. That popping of the lids is music to my ears.
The picture of your toddler and the trees is too cute!
I usually leave the chutney making to my parents but we picked way too many apples at the cider mill yesterday. I should make a batch of chutney instead of creating a deluge of applesauce and pie.
I am so jealous of the apples! We just got 2 tiny pears off our fruit trees this year. I think some pruning and TLC is in order!
The slow-starting spring made this one of the best fruit years of my life here in Indianapolis. My neighbors let me pick their apples, so I've been enjoying apple crisps for a few weeks. I even planted my own granny smith tree. It looks a lot like the one in the toddler photo. But I have great expectations!
One of my more popular appetizers from my gluten-filled catering days used chutney. I made finger sandwiches with mini French bread, butter on one side, chutney on the other, and pork tenderloin in the middle. It would be just as good with gluten free bread, and even better with your homomade chutney!
It all looks wonderful. You are doing a great job with things that you really didn't expect to happen. What fun!
I found this to be an enormous amount of raisins (I used 1 lb. and would probably use 1/2 lb. or less or it becomes a raisin chutney.) There was too much liquid with 4 cups of vinegar. I would start with 2 cups of vinegar and maybe increase it by a cup if I needed the liquid.
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