A chilly 19 degree F morning here in upstate New York and I am killing time editing photos while waiting to see if my kids have (yet another) snow day from school. I ran across this photo of my cute husband engaged in some peculiar activity with a batch of potatoes snapped during an autumnal party. Do you know what he is doing?
A special Crispy prize goes to first person who guesses what he is doing to those poor tubers. Anyone who was at my house on Labor Day is excluded from this contest.
Hint: This spud stunt involves hair spray.
It's a potato shooter (AKA potato gun). It can shoot a potato pretty far.
You fill the tube with hairspray and light it on fire.
They are pretty fun.
Well, it seems that Jennifer knew about it! Good for her!!! I could have spent the whole etternity guessing what is your husband doing... but it was fun :D
I'm clueless, but it looks like fun! Spud Shooters??? Never heard of it before. :)
Jennifer got it right in record time! Dan is wielding a homemade Potato Cannon, which our kids demand that he shoot off every Fourth of July, birthdays and for various barbecue parties at our house. He made it out of some plastic plumbing parts from instructions from some crazy book we have.
You have to plunge the tip of your cannon onto the hapless potatoes to core out a good potato plug. Then you spritz hair spray around the ignition end, press a button and the potato nugget sproings up in the air quite high and far and with a very child-satisfying sound. We always get whatever rugrats we have over imploring Dan to press the potato cannon switch and the others run all over the yard (sometimes with catcher's mitts) trying to catch the pieces of spud.
I do feel bad about wasting a bag of potatoes that can't be eaten or even safely composted (that hair spray covers the potatoes) but the kids don't think it's a party without a ritual salute of the Potato Cannon!
Oh man, we were too late!
Haha I was another clueless one but it sounds hilarious!
Hi Rachel, just letting you know one of your recipes is in my weekly links (posted later today). Fun roundup--feel free to spread word. :)
Wow - that is the best spud gun I have ever seen! My husband (a lemon cannon devotee) will be impressed.
Wow Foodycat, I can't say I'd want a lemon cannon, as they are 80 cents to $1 each around here, whereas I can get a 10 lb. bag of old, sprouty potatoes for under $5 if I shop around.
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