I've been lax about posting here of late, but spring in the northeastern U.S. is ephemeral and lovely and I've been outside digging in the dirt, watching my kid play softball and trying to run around with the dog as much as possible in between raindrops and windstorms.
Dan and I got the gardens finished up today with a final (cutworms willing) trip to the local farmstand for some filler plants. We're going to try growing leeks for the first time, which involved digging a foot-deep trench which needs to be filled up gradually until a fall harvest to mound up compost-rich soil against the leeks. They look really skimpy now, like little wispy grass seedlings, but I have big plans for some leek and potato soup, so I will baby them.
The other photograph here shows some of our greens and herbs already up. The green fuzzy stuff everywhere is dill that reseeded itself from last year. I've been pulling it out slowly and throwing some in salads, salsa, dips and omelets. If anyone out there has any good recipes featuring dill, please forward them. Later in summer, when my crazy curly cucumbers pop out, we'll make refrigerator pickles, but until then, bring on the dill recipes!