This week I am hosting Weekend Herb Blogging #198, the weekly food blog event that showcases information and recipes about herbs, vegetables, fruits and other plant ingredients. The always educational Weekend Herb Blogging was first initiated by Kalyn's Kitchen in Utah, and now, in its third year, is headquartered at Haalo's ethereal food blog in Sydney, Australia, Cook (Almost) Anything At Least Once.
Last week's WHB roundup can be seen at The Cabinet of Prof. Kitty, and has an eclectic mix of posts from great home cooks around the world featuring rose petals, zucchini, mushrooms, cacao nibs, beets, mint, carrots, tomatoes, gooseberries, matcha, fennel, rosemary, salvia and laurel. Here are the rules for Weekend Herb Blogging as taken from Haalo's headquarters:
"1. Entries to Weekend Herb Blogging must be posts written specifically for Weekend Herb Blogging. This means they cannot be cross-posted in other events. Photos used in the posts however can be submitted to photo events like DMBLGIT.
2. Weekend Herb Blogging entries should have the goal of helping people learn about cooking with herbs or plant ingredients.
Only two types of entries will be accepted:
* Recipe posts where a herb or plant ingredient is one of the primary ingredients in the recipe
* Informative posts that spotlight one herb or plant ingredient, particularly including information about how they are used in cooking.
Naturally, posts can be a combination of both these criteria.
3. Posts must contain the phrase Weekend Herb Blogging with a link to the Crispy Cook for that week and to Haalo's WHB HQ.
4. The posts may be written anytime during the week (August 24-30) but you must email your host with WHB in the subject line by:
3pm Sunday - Utah Time
10pm Sunday - London Time
9am Monday - Melbourne (Aus) Time
5. In your email submission (to: oldsaratogabooks AT gmail DoTCoM) please include the following information:
* Your Name
* Your Blog Name/URL
* Your Post URL
* Your Location
* Attach a photo (250 px wide max)
This information will help your Crispy Cook host greatly as the recaps can be quite time consuming."
Looking forward to your wonderful submissions!
P.S. If you don't have a blog of your own, but would like to contribute a submission to Weekend Herb Blogging, I would be happy to post your blog entry at the Crispy Cook.
let me see what i can come up for this week's WHB :-)
Oh I hope I haven't missed the deadline!
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