Monday, February 1, 2010

Announcing My Legume Love Affair #20

The 20th edition of My Legume Love Affair (MLLA) is being hosted here at The Crispy Cook from today through February 28, 2010. This popular foodie event is the brainchild of Susan, The Well-Seasoned Cook, and was started to celebrate information and recipes about the edible members of the Fabaceae family (formerly Leguiminosae), most commonly known as legumes.

Legumes include a broad variety of beans, peas, pulses and other vegetables and leguminous by-products, and any of these can be featured in a MLLA submission, including: beans (fresh and dried), peas, tofu, black-eyed peas, tepary beans, lentils, chickpeas and chickpea flour (besan), fenugreek, peanuts, limas, favas, mung beans, and many other legume varieties.

To join in the MLLA fun you can submit a post featuring one of these legumes with a link to this post on The Crispy Cook and to Susan's blog here. Recipes submitted to other events are also permitted but recipes from one's blog archives can be accepted ONLY if updated and reposted as current.

There are two prizes to be awarded to a randomly generated winner. Susan is generously donating a copy of "The Pasta Bible" by Teubner, Rizzi and Lang to be sent worldwide. If the winner resides in the U.S., they will also receive a Hurst Bean Box - A case of six bags of the winner's choice of Hurst Bean products, suitable for every diet, donated by Hurst Bean. (Due to shipping restrictions, this prize can only be awarded if the winner is a U.S. resident.) Susan does not receive any product nor financial compensation for her arrangement with Hurst Bean to provide this prize supplement for My Legume Love Affair.

You may submit more than one recipe or blog post to MLLA #20 but only one submission will be considered for these prizes. Susan and I, and our family and friends are not eligible for the prize drawing.

Send your MLLA entry to me at: oldsaratogabooks At gmail dOt cOM, with an attached photo (250 pix wide preferred), your blog post URL and your location. I will post a roundup for MLLA #20 shortly after the deadline of February 28, 2010. Don't have a blog, but still want to join in the fun? Send my your information and I'll post it for you on The Crispy Cook.

For leguminous inspiration, you may want to check out some of the previous MLLA roundups or see one of my MLLA posts below:

Previously I have enjoyed contributing to this beany bonanza with recipes for

Zippy Black-Eyed Pea and Pasta Salad,

Red Noodle Beans (very fun to grow) and Tofu,

Fava Beans,

Spicy Roasted Chickpea Nibbles,

Black-Eyed Peas with Preserved Lemon,

Dan's Favorite Gluten-Free Veggie Burgers,

Rice Noodle Sushi Salad

Green Bean Bhajis.

I look forward to seeing what everyone will cook up for My Legume Love Affair this month!


Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel,

I've just written a post for the MLLA. Shall I email you some details? If yes, which ones? Sorry if I missed this bit.

Anyway, the link to the recipe is here:

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel,

I've just written a post for the MLLA. Shall I email you some details? If yes, which ones? Sorry if I missed this bit.

Anyway, the link to the recipe is here:

Pari Vasisht said...

hi. looking forward to send some entries. wish u a happy hosting.

Simona Carini said...

I'll definitely contribute something to the event.

FH said...

Good to see you hosting. I just posted one, see if I can send that to you as well.

Hayley said...

Hey Rachel

nice to see you hosting an event..i'll send one..

Joy Of Cooking

Nithu Bala said...

Thank you Rachel for accepting my entry and also for the lovely comment..will send you some more entries soon..

Simplyfood said...

Sending my entry in.

Veggie Hut said...

I am sendding mine shortly..

speedy70 said...

Questa è la mia ricettina: pasticcio di lenticchie e pancetta
Un bacio dall'Italia!

Lisa Turner said...

I have just sent you my entry via email. Looking forward to the roundup.

Padhu Sankar said...

Dear Rachel
I have sent you my entry for MLLA.